There are many advertising options available on the Internet. However it is difficult to effectively
advertise on a small budget.
Our Ad Co-op gives you the ability to purchase an effective advertising package from $100 per month upwards.
We will run your banners on all our pages including our E-Mail Service, our Search Engine
our Socrates Search Base, our Discussion Forum and our Internet Television Station.
We can also show Video Clips. We also have Partner sites which can be utilized.
By all these means we can assist you in building your customer base. Although only about 1% of visitors buy things on their first visit, many will return to your
site and are likely to become your regular customers. model has clearly proved this.
Our compensation is payable on a $5 CPM or Pay-per-click basis and is negotiable as we understand the financial differences from business to business.
Actual number of visitors will depend on the demand for what your website offers, however for CPM advertising we will guarantee a minimum number of Visitors.
If you would like to test your banners in a Short Run we can do so for 5000 page views or more.
Our rates are $10 CPM for a random placement and $15 CPM for a targeted placement.