Manju Mahendra Dodangoda 531 Clendenan Avenue Toronto ON M6P 2X8 Web Address: Email: Pager: 416-667-3897 30th April 2001 Ms. Sarmite D Bulte MP. Toronto. Dear Madam, I am a person who has achieved a high degree of health and am 46 years old. I have lived in Toronto for over nine years. My investigations have revealed that most people are ignorant about the following two areas of Human Health knowledge of which is vital for the maintenance of good health. The Metabolic Process known as Anabolism Dangers of forming Platonic Attachments Ignorance of the Public about these matters is due to the fact that Public Health Officials are not educating the Public although it is their responsibility to do so. I write to request you , as a elected and remunerated representative, to initiate suitable action to remedy this situation. Sincerely yours, Mahendra Dodangoda This request has also been addressed to: Mr.Gerard Kennedy MPP Mr.David Miller MC